Today Dad would have been turning 60 years old. It's so crazy for me to think that it's been almost four years since we lost him. He only knew Skyla for nine months, and I will never forget the look on his face when he walked into the hospital room and met his first granddaughter for the first time. She melted him. It's really hard for me every time Skyla talks about how she can't wait to see Grampy in heaven (we always say, Yes you can wait honey!)... and that Dad never met my two boys. He was such a wonderful grampa in the short time he got to be one, and I do feel really blessed that Kevin knew him for several years and we can both share lots of stories with the kids about their grampa. But I still really miss him. Our family has always made a really big deal out of birthdays, so growing up we would always ask Dad what he wanted to do to celebrate his birthday - he never wanted anything more than to spend time together as a family - usually doing a picnic at the beach or at the canal.
So while I can't believe he missed out on his 60th birthday, I also am SO thankful we had such a rich 56 years with him and that he did get to experience being a grampa even if it was for a short time. Happy Birthday, Dad.