I am so excited about this room - and so glad we're not down to the wire and still have nine weeks to go before the baby comes. It's nice not to feel manic and panicky about being "ready." And it's so fun to plan out Brody's room, which will be a sports theme. Both previous pregnancies I didn't really do much to get the babies' room ready since we didn't know what we were having. So this time around I am pouring all that nesting energy into Brody's room and having lots of fun with it. We found a great bargain on his bunk beds on CraigsList and he's all geared up for his "big boy bed." More updates to come...
Monday, March 23, 2009
Update on the B Room
It's been awhile since I've posted some photos of Brody's new room, but that doesn't mean lots hasn't been going on. We now have HVAC up there, and Kevin has finished the electrical which means lights, plugs, ceiling fan, all that good stuff. The room is all painted and we did end up putting a closet in the hallway outside Brody's room. So now Kevin is plugging away at the closet doors and trim, then we'll get the carpet relaid and we'll be ready to go.
I am so excited about this room - and so glad we're not down to the wire and still have nine weeks to go before the baby comes. It's nice not to feel manic and panicky about being "ready." And it's so fun to plan out Brody's room, which will be a sports theme. Both previous pregnancies I didn't really do much to get the babies' room ready since we didn't know what we were having. So this time around I am pouring all that nesting energy into Brody's room and having lots of fun with it. We found a great bargain on his bunk beds on CraigsList and he's all geared up for his "big boy bed." More updates to come...

Dormer and closet inside Brody's room
View from the "big room" playroom, looking back toward the hallway where Brody's room is, and the new French door into the balcony of the main part of the house. Look at the new closet on the right - yay!
Looking into the new hallway from the balcony of the main house. New sconces on the wall match the ones on the balcony wall.
I had to take a picture even though it seems weird at first. Last week at the grocery store I let each of the kids pick out a box of tissues for their rooms - Sky has really wanted to have her own box of tissues in her room for some reason! :-) When we got home I sent them both upstairs to put their boxes in their rooms, and thought nothing of it. Late that night, after kissing the kids, Kevin & I did our nightly peek in at Brody's future room to admire Kevin's handiwork :-) and there was Brody's little box of tissues sitting right in the center of the floor. When I sent them up to put their tissues in "their rooms" he just automatically went to his new big boy room and set them down in there. Such a sweetie pie and it melted both of us.
I am so excited about this room - and so glad we're not down to the wire and still have nine weeks to go before the baby comes. It's nice not to feel manic and panicky about being "ready." And it's so fun to plan out Brody's room, which will be a sports theme. Both previous pregnancies I didn't really do much to get the babies' room ready since we didn't know what we were having. So this time around I am pouring all that nesting energy into Brody's room and having lots of fun with it. We found a great bargain on his bunk beds on CraigsList and he's all geared up for his "big boy bed." More updates to come...
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Just a few days after our big snowfall, it was downright balmy here in Virginia, and we were outside in the driveway riding bikes and pulling out all the outside stuff for the kids to play with. Sky has mastered her tricycle, and has finally learned how to stop so she isn't crashing headlong into the garage door or the rocks. And Brody is back & forth from his lawnmower to his Big Wheel to his tractor. One day it was really gusty and Sky was having trouble pedaling up toward the street so she could coast back down the driveway, so Brody (taking on his "helper" role) would run and push her up to the top of the driveway, then get out of the way so she could cruise down by herself. So nice when they get along!

Snow in March
What seems to be our last snowfall of the season happened on March 2, the day after we got home from visiting Auntie Susan & Uncle Ryan in PA while Kevin stayed here to work on Brody's room. We got a pretty good pile of snow - but much to the kids' disappointment it wasn't great snowman snow. We spent a little time outside but both kids were under the weather (in more ways than one) and little things like getting snow in their face or falling off the sled or losing a mitten brought them to tears - so we didn't last that long outside. :-)

My Little Man
I just had to post these pictures below of Brody, since they show activities he is most likely to be found doing at any given point during the day. He has mastered Kevin's iPhone, and his first question when he wakes up in the morning and comes in to snuggle with us is, "Where Daddy's phone?" Kevin was a little miffed when Brody had the high score in skeeball on the iPhone, so he spent some time and finally knocked his two-year old off the board. :-) His favorite game is this one where he can press different animals and hear their sounds. It occupies him forever!

He's also started to be my little helper around the house, which comes in really handy as it becomes a little tougher to bend down and pick things up or to crawl under tables to pick up toys. All I have to do is ask him if he can be my helper and he says "otay" and takes his role very seriously. Almost every night he sits on the island and "helps" me make dinner, and he's just started wanting to caryr out the trash, all the while saying "Mommy, I SO strong... this heavy!" My little man - I love him so much.

And finally, each morning he brings as many trucks as he can find out of the toy room and races his trucks, lines them up, creates massive pile-ups - anything his little boy mind can come up with. And when Daddy comes home from work they race the monster trucks together - the highlight of Brody's day.

And finally, each morning he brings as many trucks as he can find out of the toy room and races his trucks, lines them up, creates massive pile-ups - anything his little boy mind can come up with. And when Daddy comes home from work they race the monster trucks together - the highlight of Brody's day.
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