Saturday, March 14, 2009

My Little Man

I just had to post these pictures below of Brody, since they show activities he is most likely to be found doing at any given point during the day. He has mastered Kevin's iPhone, and his first question when he wakes up in the morning and comes in to snuggle with us is, "Where Daddy's phone?" Kevin was a little miffed when Brody had the high score in skeeball on the iPhone, so he spent some time and finally knocked his two-year old off the board. :-) His favorite game is this one where he can press different animals and hear their sounds. It occupies him forever!

He's also started to be my little helper around the house, which comes in really handy as it becomes a little tougher to bend down and pick things up or to crawl under tables to pick up toys. All I have to do is ask him if he can be my helper and he says "otay" and takes his role very seriously. Almost every night he sits on the island and "helps" me make dinner, and he's just started wanting to caryr out the trash, all the while saying "Mommy, I SO strong... this heavy!" My little man - I love him so much.

And finally, each morning he brings as many trucks as he can find out of the toy room and races his trucks, lines them up, creates massive pile-ups - anything his little boy mind can come up with. And when Daddy comes home from work they race the monster trucks together - the highlight of Brody's day.

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