Monday, May 18, 2009

Celebration for Baby

Wow, it has been awhile since I posted on here... I have to say I have become a little manic with my lists of things to do before the baby arrives - next week! Kind of crazy that I can say that now. Kevin has been amazing with crossing things off "the list" and understanding why it's important to me to have some of the little projects finished on the house before our third little one joins the family. Needless to say, blogging has not been as high on the priority list as, say, crucial tasks like cleaning out the sock drawers or reorganizing the filing system in the office. :-)

Anyways, the girls in our small group planned a little baby shower/celebration for me, which I completely didn't expect, and it was such a special time. We went out to dinner at PF Changs and they showered me with some gifts and really yummy cupcakes. It was fun to hang out and tell baby stories and just be excited together about the baby. I ripped these pictures off of my friend Jess' blog since I didn't take any of my own. :-) Thanks, ladies!

The Girls - Katie, Patty, Erika, Jen, me & Jess


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