Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Give Me a V - Give Me a B - Give Me an S!

We did VBS this year for the very first time, and we are SO glad that we did. We loved that the kids were learning about Jesus and having a blast with their friends at the same time. All the families in our small group did the same VBS at a small local church (our church doesn't do VBS), and each night while the kids did their program, the adults either sat outside and had dinner and played board games, or went out to dinner. We had fun too!

Brody LOVED dancing to all the worship songs. "I will not be afraid!"
Skyla with her friend Jacob from small group

An impromptu game of ring around the rosy

1 comment:

Jessica Middleton said...

Love it! I'm so glad we did it. Can't wait till next year!